For further information

How we developed it, what actions were carried out / Phases / Modes of intervention
E-learning was applied for the first time in schools as a necessity to continue. Unfortunately, many students were disadvantage because they did not have the proper technology to participate in e-learning. The Foundation believes that education is a right and that every child should have to ability to receive an education despite economical disadvantages. This is the purpose of our donation. Through school principals and teachers we carried out a survey to understand were the most dire needs are for accessing distance learning and thanks to the Foundation 49 tablets were donated to children who, otherwise, would not have the ability to follow their lessons online.

Achieved results
The Mamo Educational Foundation has donated 49 tablets to students in financial difficulty in primary and secondary schools in the Caprino Veronese (VR) and Garda (VR) areas. Specifically, 45 tablets were donated to the IC of Caprino Veronese and 4 tablets were donated to the IC of Garda. The expense incurred by the Mamo Educational Foundation for the purchase of the tablets was 5,800 euros.

Phase of the project
This project is ongoing and The Mamo Educational Foundation is evaluating additional need by collaborating with other school districts in the province of Verona. Our plan is to donate additional tablets that will allow students to attend classes starting in September, 2020.

After the tablets were delivered, the school managers of the IC of Caprino Veronese and Garda officially thanked the Foundation for their support offered in this particularly difficult period.